This button is not available because no items in the Item List are selected.
During previewing and cleaning, the black bar is an estimate of the proportion of the process which has been completed.
Option Set
To select or otherwise manipulate an Option Set, select it from this menu. The name displayed is the current Option Set.
Location of Current Item
This shows the full path and name of the selected item in the Item List. If previewing or cleaning is in progress, it shows the path and name of item currently being examined.
Item List
This shows the name of every item which may be previewed or cleaned. To select an item, click it's name.
To stops the previewing or cleaning process permanently, click here or press Escape.
To pause or continue the previewing or cleaning processes, click here.
This button is not available because items are currently being previewed or cleaned. To stop this process, click Stop or press Escape.
To remove the selected items from the Item List, click here.
This button is not available because the Item List is empty. To add items to the list, click Add Items.
To clean the names of the selected items in the Item List, click here. If no items are selected, all are cleaned.
To preview the results of cleaning the names of the selected items in the Item List, click here. The results of previewing are shown in the Report Dialog. If no items are selected, all are previewed.
To choose items to add to the Item List, click here.